(Dr) Muzammal

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Discover Your Meaningful Career: A Kick-Start Workshop for Realigning Your Career to Your Purpose

The event has taken place, but you can view photos, a TV interview and a testimonial below...

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Comments from a Participant following the workshop:

"Your workshop was a breath of fresh air! It resonated with me in ways that I did not expect. I really appreciated the calm, gentle pace and innovative approach. The exercises of listening and speaking sat in a different space to what I was used to - they felt joyous and unfettered.

I was also powerfully and positively impacted by one of the core exercises to help dissolve resistance to transitioning to a purposeful career. Thank you for this, Muzammal. I know that what I learned through this will anchor much of my decision-making in the future.

So, thank you once again for a very meaningful workshop - for the ambience and the content. I ruminated on it for days and am still contemplating its resonance weeks since."  


This interactive 2-hour workshop is for anyone on a career-path where they might be feeling stuck or stifled and are looking to discover a more fulfilling path they feel passionate about.

With Dr Muzammal in collaboration with Free University Brighton

The evening will support you to:

  • Gain a clearer sense of where you are
  • Discover ideas for a new, more meaningful career direction
  • Identify actions to practically move you to a career-path aligned to your purpose


Date: Monday 23 April 2018
Time: 7.30-9.30pm
Venue: The Learning Resource Centre at the City Clean Depot, Upper Hollingdean Road, Brighton BN1 7GA

The workshop will comprise of a short introductory talk, simple guided exercises (some done solo, others in pairs or small groups), and an opportunity to dialogue and ask questions.

If possible, please bring some paper and something to write with to get the most from the session.

The workshop will be facilitated by Dr Muzammal (aka Muzammal) a Career Realignment Catalyst, Emotional Breakthrough Therapist and Group Facilitator from Restorative Wholeness. Muzammal took the plunge and shifted his own career working as a medical doctor in NHS psychiatry to being primarily self-employed, helping his clients realign their career-path and working with approaches that help awaken soul and community.