Manifesting Your Passion: Change Career With A 3-Step Career Realignment System
If you are familiar with my work, you'll know that I'm not satisfied with tinkering around the edges of life and career-path transition. What you get instead is a journey right to the core...
That's why my clients are encouraged to invest the time they will need - there is no quick fix - and that's why when they do, they experience a refreshing and powerful set of approaches woven together for maximum effect. It also means that they experience being activated at different levels of their being.
I want you, and all those I work with, to receive the necessary support you need to achieve the transformation you desire.
In this blog post, I'd like to share more about this kind of transformational support, what it involves and how you might benefit from it:
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to learn, apply and support clients with a powerful blend of approaches.
I’ve named the synthesis of these combined approaches, ‘Essence-Inspired Life Design’ - and my key specialisation is with people in a job in which they feel stuck, disillusioned or deeply dissatisfied.
I’m outlining this system for you right here so you get a clearer sense of how it might help you:
Essence Inspired Life-Design consists of three major steps or strands
Step 1 invites us to connect with Essence, and two approaches to doing this are:
Enquiry: by asking yourself, or being asked, profound questions that direct your attention to what is most meaningful to you – this will open you up to your deeper dreams and Purpose
Emotional decluttering: by safely dissolving limiting blocks and unhelpful conditioning you begin to make room for what your Heart is voicing underneath.
There are also a multitude of other practises that can help us to listen more to our Heart, and connect more with Essence and our Purpose.
Perhaps you are already embracing one or more practises in your own life?
I encourage you to maintain key practises that help you dissolve blocks and open to your Essence.
By connecting with and steeping in Essence, we cultivate a strong, embodied foundation to move purposefully forward to a career and life aligned to our Heart, the work we love to do...
Step 2 invites us to manifest through 'Structured Life Design'
Now that you’re beginning to more intimately connect with Essence (Step 1 above), the next step is to relate who you are - your purpose, this deeper impulse - to skills you've acquired, as well as to the social and physical elements around you.
This means gaining clarity on what the needs are within your community.
What are the needs in the community that fit with your purpose and resonate with your deeper impulse, with what your heart is voicing?
You want to find points of connection between your inner world and your outer world. These points of connection are fertile spaces that provide an opportunity for growth, healing and nourishing income streams that bring you fulfillment and security.
Designing our steps to the career change we desire is an important part of the process
As part of a Structured Life-Deign Process, I recommend also identifying sources of help you can potentially draw on (whether people, technology, materials, services etc..).
You can then design a path that leverages those resources as appropriate to help you move forwards.
The path you design will have a series of adaptable, actionable steps that will move you from where you are to where you want to be.
Step 3: invites us to engage with the right kind of support
Having longer term support for our transition is crucial. The right kind of support will be holistic, and will help you with the first two strands. It will help you deepen in Essence (Step 1) and will also help you identify clear steps you can take (Step 2).
Thirdly, good support will help you keep focussed, so you can continue to move forward and better adapt creatively to what shows up along the way.
This support could come via a coach, a facilitated group, or both.
If you’re doing it alone, while it can appear easy transitioning to a fulfilling career-path when things are smooth - it’s much harder when you hit a block, or when 'life gets in the way'. That’s when you’ll be grateful you have the right kind of support.
To help you decide if any support is right for you, here are three questions you might want to ask yourself:
1) Do I feel a resonance?
2) Do I feel comfortable sharing and allowing myself to be vulnerable with this person or group?
3) Do I feel like this person or group is bringing out the best in me?
Investing in the right kind of support can save you years of unnecessary dissatisfaction - and can relieve you from mental, and, in some cases, physical ill-health arising from a workplace that starves you of emotional nourishment and wears you down.
So, when you, firstly, connect with Essence, secondly, intelligently Design a pathway forward, and thirdly, find the right kind of Support, you benefit from a powerful synthesis of the three strands of 'Essence Inspired Life Design'.
All three strands come together simultaneously to propel you forward – fuelling your journey to the career of your dreams.
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And if you have any questions, insights or experience you'd like to share, scroll down and drop a comment. I'd love to hear from you (and I read every comment)!
About Dr Muzammal
I'm Dr Muzammal, Career Realignment Catalyst, Facilitator and Therapist. I offer highly personalised 1:1 coaching to help you connect with your Purpose, and take steps so you can manifest your passion in the world.
My journey has involved shifting my own career path, having previously worked as a medical doctor in NHS Psychiatry over more than ten years. I've transitioned to work I'm really passionate about: Helping clients discover their passion and purpose, transform their life-path and helping build community. I'm also inspired by nature.